Chambers Europe

Employment, Band 1    


„The firm fields a "highly skilled, intelligent and thorough" team of labour law associates, according to interviewees. Clients warmly recommend the firm, and expressed their appreciation for its capacity to provide the full range of employment services from contracts and terminations to social security advice.

The firm is currently advising a major international company on a full-scale collective dismissal and the withdrawal of its operations in Slovakia.“


„Senior associate Jana Brezinova is an employment law expert, while partner Jiri Budinsky is the main contact point for German-speaking clients.“


Dispute Resolution, Band 2       


„Clients unanimously applaud this "professional and flexible" firm for being "well prepared in every case and always responding quickly. „The firm acts for a major publishing house, and one of the bestselling Slovakian newspapers in all its civil proceedings. The practice also represented two major pharmaceutical companies in an unfair competition settlement.

The firm recently demonstrated its philanthropic credentials by representing a number of high-profile NGOs before the Constitutional Court.“


„The main contact point for all dispute resolution matters is Tomas Kamenec.“


General business law, Band 3    


„This 20-strong office is one of the largest Slovak firms and frequently represents the national authorities as the vendor in privatizations. It has previously advised the Ministries of Finance and Economy, and is currently representing the National Highway Company in the first major public private partnership concession in Slovakia. Peers identified intellectual property as one of the strengths of this full-service firm, an example being the firm's acting for business service provider SAP on copyright and license agreements.

Media and film corporations feature prominently in the firm's portfolio. Other clients include Deloitte, Tesco and tyre producer Matador.“


„Sources say Pavol Blahušiak is able to communicate legal issues to every audience with authority. "He has the presence that ensures you listen," said one interviewee.“
